October 20th- Title: Language and Literacy through an Observation Lens
- Presenter- Early Childhood Special Educator
- Zoom Link: https://mayvillestate.zoom.us/j/96008098091
- Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/language-and-literacy-through-an-observation-lens-tickets-405166442737
This training will focus on language development in young children. How do you observe a child’s language development in everyday interactions? Come and listen to an Early Childhood Special Educator and her ideas for interactions, open-ended questions, and the importance of having authentic back and forth conversations during everyday tasks.
- Participants will be able to describe observation for assessment.
- Participants will be able to define what open-ended questions are.
- Participants will evaluate their daily schedules and how they can incorporate rich conversations into everyday interactions.